I’m in a costal town in Borneo, Indonesia. Towers of corregated metal shack type buildings on stilts lining the edge of a white sandy beach, running 400/500 meters, stopping at the headland. There is a wooden jetty sitting on top of a ditch of murky water, running between the beach and buildings. On the building side of the jetty are ground floor market stool/shop type things. The jetty shops are busy with locals doing moving/ shopping.
I’m walking up and down the jetty asking people where I can catch the ferry to ? I see a ferry, I’m debating with people about whether it goes to where I’m going or not. Eventually, I get on the ferry, a medium long boat, with about 20 locals on it, and a captain/driver. Just as its moving off I ask someone where its going and I jump off and they reply “Australia”.
I quickly jump into the water and swim to the shore.
*I can’t remember*
Suddenly a tsunami is approaching, everyone is panicking and there is no where to go!
James Brown